观天下 - 和川普推特1起回顾2017

作者: 时间:2018-05-01 10:41:02 阅读:
观天下 | 和川普推特1起回顾2017 年关将近,《时期周刊》甄选了16条美国总统川普的推特,总结了今年美国的林林总总:吐槽阿诺€€施瓦辛格代班、批评民主党新闻造假、奥巴马监听川普大楼电话……其中充满着各种梗,各种利益纠结,各种真真假假。每一个时期都有新媒体的出现,当年,罗斯福总统利用广播把自己的声音送到了美国千万家的客厅;肯尼迪总统靠电视、靠颜值击败了不上镜的尼克松。今天,川普用推特直接跟手机上的美国人放狠话,说大话,这就是新时期,这就是社交媒体的时期。欢乐的2017年年末,就1起来看看川普的推特吧。(节选14条)The Year inTrump Tweets川普1年的推特总结Yes, ArnoldSchwarzenegger d


The Year inTrump Tweets


Yes, ArnoldSchwarzenegger did a really bad job as Governor of California and even worse onthe Apprentice… but at least he tried hard!


Apprentice /€€€€pr€€nt€€s/:《学徒》(川普主持的1档电视真人秀节目)

The Democratshad to come up with a story as to why they lost the election, and so badly(306), so they made up a story€€RUSSIA. Fake news!



democrat/€€d€€m€€krat/: 民主党人

Terrible! Justfound out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just beforethe victory. Nothing found. This is Mc Carthyism!


wires:n. 泛指电话、通讯装备

tap/tap/: vt. 窃听

Despite theconstant negative press covfefe.


covfefe: 川普今年写推特的笔误,其实想说的是coverage 负面报导

My son Donalddid a good job last night. He was open, transparent and innocent. This is thegreatest Witch Hunt in political history. Sad!


transparent/tr€€€€n€€spar(€€)nt/: adj. 透明的;易看穿的

WitchHunt: 猎杀女巫 (暗指道德恐慌和政治危害类事件)

AttorneyGeneral Jeff Sessions has taken a VERY week position on Hillaty Clinton crimes(where are Emails & DNC server出前小厨工作服
& Intel leakers!


AttorneyGeneral: 总检察长

server:n. 服务器

Afterconsultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that theUnited States Government will not accept or allow transgender individuals toserve in any capacity in the U.S. military. Our military must be focused ondecisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be大连穿工作服相亲
burdened with the tremendousmedical外国焊接工作服
costs and disruption th周六福珠宝的工作服
at transgender in the military would entail.Thank you.


consultation/k€€ns€€l€€te€€€€(€€)n/: n. 咨询

transgender/tranz€€d€€€€nd€€/ /trans€€d€€€€nd€€/: adj. 变性的

decisive/d€€€€s€€€€s€€v/: adj. 决定性的

overwhelming/€€€€v€€€€w€€lm€€€€/: adj. 压倒性的

disruption/d€€s€€r€€p€€n/: n. 困扰

entail/€€n€€te€€l//€€n€€te€€l/: vt. 引发

The onlyproblem I have with Mitch Mc Connell is that, after hearing Repeal &Replace for 7 years, he failed! That should NEVER have happened!


Thatshould NEVER have happened!虚拟语气,本来不应当产生的事,结果产生了。

I spoke withPresident Moon of South Korea last night. Asked him how Rocket Man is doing.Long gas lines forming in North Korea. Too bad!

Just heardForeign Minister of North Korea speak at U.N. If he echoes thoughts of LittleRocket Man, they won't be around much longer.

9.10 怼北朝鲜总统金3胖是Little Rocket Man

repeal/r€€€€pi€€l/: n. 上河北定做服装

echo/€€€€k€€€€/: vt. 附和

The Mayor ofSan Juan, who was very complimentary only a few days ago, has now been told bythe Democrats that you must be nasty to Trump.


Complimentary breakfast 免费的早饭,现在很多地方都不用free而用complimentary

With all ofthe Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is itappropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!

complimentary/k€€mpl€€€€m€€nt(€€)ri/: adj. 恭维的

nasty/€€n€€€€sti/: adj. 凶恶的

Network newshas become so partisan, distorted and fake that licenses must be challengedand, if appropriate, revoked. Not fair to public!



partisan/€€p€€€€t€€zan/ /€€p€€€€t€€€€zan/: adj. 喜欢站队的;左袒1方的

distorted/d€€€€st€€€€td/: adj. 扭曲的

revoke/r€€€€v€€€€k/: vt. 撤消

rogue/r€€€€€€/: adj. 异常的

My Twitteraccount was taken down for 11 minutes by a rogue employee. I guess the wordmust finally be getting out€€and having an impact.

