视界 - 因被指存在招生轻视!哈佛提早录取亚裔学生比例增至24.2%

作者: 时间:2018-05-01 20:22:36 阅读:
视界 | 因被指存在招生轻视!哈佛提早录取亚裔学生比例增至24.2% HarvardUniversity, which is facing claims of racial discrimination againstAsian-Americans in its admis工作服有无使用年限sions proces穿工作服头发怎么弄s, has announced that it工作服大围裙s earlyacceptance rate for Asian-Americans for the Class of 2022 has hit 24.2 percent,up from 21.7 percent a year earlier.面临在录取环节轻视亚裔美国人指控

HarvardUniversity, which is facing claims of racial discriminat工作服算员工福利费吗
ion againstAsian-Americans in its admissions process, has announced that its earlyacceptance rate for Asian-Americans for the Class of 2022 has hit 24.2 percent,up from 21.7 percent a year earlier.


The figureswere released on Dec 12 by the school on its official website, the HarvardGazette.


Of the 6,630applicants who applied for admission,广州工作服设计制作
964 were accepted. The college said 4,882were deferred, 611 were rejected, and 173 applications were incomplete.


The earlyenrollments for the Class of 2022 also reflects an overall increase in othernonwhite students from previous years, the prestigious university said.


African-Americansmake up 13.9 percent of students admitted early, compared with 12.6 percentlast year. At the same time, Latinos account for 9.8 percent, up 1 percentagepoint last year, and Native Americans/Native Hawaiians account for 1.8 percent,up from 1.1 percent.


"Fromsmall towns, suburbs, and cities - from throughout the United States and aroundthe world - the Class of 2022 promises to be among the best classes inHarvard’s long 纯棉工作服执行标准
history," said William R. Fitzsimmons, d海信工作服谁家做的
ean of admissionsand financial aid at Harvard University.


Harvard isfacing scrutiny 如何管理好工作服
from the Department of Justice and a separate lawsuit accusingthe college of discriminating against Asian-Americans in its undergraduateadmissions process.
